Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Andrew Jones – Pastor, St. Jude Catholic Church, Montgomery, AL.. Topic: “The benefits of Almsgiving.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. James Dean – Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Prattville, AL.. Topic: “Fasting as a Blessing.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Associate Pastor, Holy Family Catholic Church, Brentwood, TN. Topic: “Prayer as a weapon.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Jason Sharbaugh – Pastor, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Fayetteville, AR. Topic: “The healing Sacrament of the Anointing of the sick and the Apostolic Bible roots.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Tracy – Pastor, Holy Family Catholic Church, Decatur, IL. Topic: “The Virtue of Temperance.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Andrew Jones – Pastor, St. Jude Catholic Church, Montgomery, AL. Topic: “Worship – Where does the Bible talk about what worship is supposed to look like.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Associate Pastor, Holy Family Catholic Church, Brentwood, Tennessee Topic: “Being Vigilant.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. James Dean – Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Prattville, Alabama Topic: “How the 4 Catholic Doctrines about the Blessed Virgin Mary are Christocentric, Ecclesiocentric and Anthropocentric.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Jason Sharbaugh – Pastor, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Morrilton, AR. Topic: “The Sacrament of Reconciliation.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Alex Smith – Associate Pastor, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Fayetteville, AR. Topic: “Obedience of our Faith.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Associate Pastor, Holy Family Catholic Church, Brentwood, TN. Topic: “Praying for the dead.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Tracy – Pastor, Holy Family Catholic Church, Decatur, IL. Topic: “The Blessing of Objects.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Andrew Jones – Pastor, St. Jude Catholic Church, Montgomery, AL. Topic: “The Two Judgements”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. James Dean – Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Prattville, AL. Topic: “A Catholic perspective on the Rapture.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. James Dean – Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Prattville, AL. Topic: “Why is there a crisis in our faith in the Eucharist?”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School, Nashville, TN. Topic: “What is Peace?”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Andy Hammeke – Associate Pastor, St. Mary Queen of the Universe Catholic Church / Chaplain, Sacred Heart Catholic High School – Both in Salina, KS., also Co-Vocations Director for the Diocese of Salina, KS. Topic: “Following the Holy Spirit’s Lead.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. James Dean – Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Prattville AL. Topic: “What happened between The Ascension and Pentecost.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Andrew Jones – Associate Pastor, St. Michael Catholic Church, Auburn, AL. Topic: “The Ascension.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School, Nashville, TN. Topic: “The significance of our genders – Male and Female.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. James Dean – Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Prattville, AL. Topic: “The Paschal Candle.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Joe Friend – Associate Pastor, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Morrilton, AR / Works in Campus Ministry – University of Central Arkansas, Central Baptist College and Hendrix College. Topic: “The beginning of mass in the Bible.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Peyton Plessala – Associate Pastor, Little Flower Catholic Church, Mobile, AL. Topic: “Divine Mercy.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Tracy – Parochial Vicar/Associate Pastor, St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, Effingham, IL. Topic: “Christian Fellowship/Community.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School in Nashville, TN. Topic: “The Triduum.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School in Nashville, TN. Topic: “Why Catholics prefer the Crucifix.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Andrew Jones – Associate Pastor, St. Michaels Catholic Church in Auburn, AL. Topic: “Simon of Cyrene and Carrying the Cross.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School in Nashville, TN. Topic: “How the 10 Commandments are a Guideline to Freedom”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School in Nashville, TN. Topic: “Does the devil actually tempt us?”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. James Dean – Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church in Prattville, AL. Topic: “The Chair of Peter.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Joe Friend – Associate Pastor, Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Morrilton, AR. Works in College Ministry at the University of Central Arkansas, Central Baptist College & Hendrix College. Topic: “Game Plan for a Holy Lent.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Joe Friend – Associate Pastor, Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Morrilton, AR. Works in College Ministry at the University of Central Arkansas, Central Baptist College & Hendrix College. Topic: “Prayer.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Andrew Jones – Associate Pastor, St. Michaels Catholic Church in Auburn, AL. Topic: “Almsgiving.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Andy Hammeke – Associate Pastor, St. Mary Queen of the Universe Catholic Church / Chaplain, Sacred Heart Catholic High School – Both in Salina, KS., also Co-Vocations Director for the Diocese of Salina, KS. Topic: “The Mass.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School (Nashville, TN.). Topic: “Saints and Intercessory Prayer.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Peyton Plessala – Associate Pastor, Little Flower Catholic Church (Mobile, AL.). Topic: “Leisure and Work, a Christian Balance.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. James Dean – Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church (Prattville, AL.). Topic: “The Cycle of the Liturgical Year.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School (Nashville, TN.). Topic: Explaining the gifts of the three Wise Men.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Joe Friend – Associate Pastor, Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Morrilton, AR.) / Works in College Ministry at University of Central Arkansas, Central Baptist College & Hendrix College. Topic: “Why do we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Andy Hammeke – Associate Pastor, St. Mary Queen of the Universe Catholic Church / Chaplain, Sacred Heart Catholic High School – Both in Salina, KS.). Topic: “Life after Death: Heaven and Hell.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School (Nashville, TN.). Topic: “Righteous Anger.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. James Dean – Pastor, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church (Prattville, AL.). Topic: “Why the Mass?.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School (Nashville, TN.). Topic: “Guardian Angels.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Andrew Jones – Associate Pastor, St. Michael Catholic Church (Auburn AL.). Topic: “Voting Your Catholic Faith.”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Peyton Plessala – Associate Pastor, Little Flower Catholic Church (Mobile, AL.). Topic: “Thoughts on Pope Francis’ recent comments on Civil Unions”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School (Nashville, TN.). Topic: “Anointing of the sick”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School (Nashville, TN.). Topic: “Why do we as Catholics have Jesus on the Cross?”
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Joe Friend – Associate Pastor, Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Morrilton, AR.) & he also works with College Ministry at University of Central Arkansas, Central Baptist College & Hendrix College. Topic: Why do we kneel, sit and stand at mass?
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session by Fr. Andy Hammeke – Associate Pastor, St. Mary Queen of the Universe Catholic Church & Chaplain, Sacred Heart High School, both in Salina, KS. and Co-Vocations Director for the Diocese of Salina, KS., Topic: “Tithing.”
Title: ACCA Weekly Spiritual Workout: Session 20
Date: Tuesday, September 22, 8:00 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. CST
Where is it in the Bible Session?: “Relics” by Fr. Bryce Sibley – Pastor & Chaplain, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Title: ACCA Weekly Spiritual Workout: Session 19
Date: Monday, September 14, 8:00 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. CST
Where is it in the Bible Session?: “The Meaning of Suffering” by Fr. Andrew Jones – Associate Pastor, St. Michael Catholic Church (Auburn, AL.)
Title: ACCA Weekly Spiritual Workout: Session 18
Date: Tuesday, September 8, 8:00 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. CST
Where is it in the Bible Session?: “Why Candles? Profound Meaning in Simple Images” by Fr. Peyton Plessala – Associate Pastor, Little Flower Catholic Church (Mobile, AL.)
Title: ACCA Weekly Spiritual Workout: Session 17
Date: Monday, August 31, 8:00 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. CST
Where is it in the Bible Session?: “Bible & Catechism – Basic Understanding of Homosexuality from a Catholic perspective” by Fr. James Dean – Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church (Prattville, AL.)
Title: ACCA Weekly Spiritual Workout: Session 16
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 8:00 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. CST
Where is it in the Bible Session?: “Statues, Graven Images & The Sin of Idolatry” by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic School (Nashville, TN.)
Title: ACCA Weekly Spiritual Workout: Session 15
Date: Monday, August 17, 8:00 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. CST
Where is it in the Bible Session? Itinerary: “Why do we make the sign of the Cross,” by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic School (Nashville, TN.)
Title: ACCA Weekly Spiritual Workout: Session 14
Date: Monday, August 10, 8:00 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. CST
Where is it in the Bible Session? Itinerary: “Mortal vs. Venial Sin,” by Fr. Andrew Jones – Associate Pastor, St. Michael Catholic Church (Auburn, AL.)
Where is it in the Bible Session? “Abortion is never necessary under any circumstance,” by Fr. James Dean – Pastor, St. Joseph Catholic Church (Prattville, AL.)
Where is it in the Bible Session? Church Militant and the Church Triumphant / the Communion of Saints. By Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School (Nashville, TN.),
Where is it in the Bible Session ? What is End Times? And What is the Rapture? By Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School (Nashville, TN.),
Session Itinerary: Where is it in the Bible Session? by Fr. Mark Simpson – Chaplain, Fr. Ryan Catholic High School (Nashville, TN.) “The Role of Mary in the Church.”